=== jQuery Dropdown Menu ===
Contributors: sandydev
Donate link: http://www.wppromat.com/jquery-dropdown-menu-plugin/
Tags: dropdown, menu, responsive menu,css-dropdown, navigation, mobile menu,dropdown-menu
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 4.8.3
Stable tag: 3.0
== Description ==
**JQuery Dropdown Menu** provide a perfect dropdown menu, listing pages for your website. You can change your Wordpress navigation menu into multiple available menu themes by this dropdown menu plugin.
**Responsive Menu Support** is also avilable under that plugin.
**Template tag** use <?php jquery_drop_down_menu('HOME') ?>
function on your theme header.php or where you want to display menu.
**Shortcode** [jquery_drop_down_menu]
[**Online Demo**](http://plugins.psdtowordpresscoder.com/)
Responsive menu, Mobile menu
Automatically generated menus
Support theme menu locations, overwrite any exiting available menu
Supports pages, Custom menus
jQuery Animation Effects
Multiple themes
Supports Multiple Instances
Can be embedded into theme using PHP Template Tag
== Installation ==
Just follow the steps below to add it to your site.
1. Login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New.
2. If you have downloaded the plugin, click on `Upload` link and upload the plugin.
3. If you haven't downloaded yet, type `JQuery Drop Down Menu` to search field and click `Search`.
4. Click on `Install` and click `Activate plugin` once it is loaded.
5. Go to `Dropdown menu` under `Settings` to change dropdown theme and edit your settings.
6. Add the dropdown menu to your site using 'Theme Location', 'shortcoe' or template tag codes.
7. Done. Enjoy!
**Template tag** use <?php jquery_drop_down_menu('HOME') ?>
function on your theme header.php or where you want to display menu.
** Shortcode** [jquery_drop_down_menu]
For basic usage, you can also have a look at the [plugin homepage](http://www.wppromat.com/jquery-dropdown-menu-plugin/).
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Do you have questions or issues with JQuery Drop Down Menu? Use these support channels appropriately.
1. [FAQ](http://www.wppromat.com/jquery-dropdown-menu-plugin/)
1. [Support Forum](http://www.wppromat.com/jquery-dropdown-menu-plugin/)
1. [WordPress HelpCenter](http://wphelpcenter.com/)
1. [Customization Service](http://www.wppromat.com/jquery-dropdown-menu-plugin/)
== Screenshots ==
1. A preview of Black Style Menu
2. A preview of Blue Style Menu
3. Dropdown menu options page.
== Changelog ==
Big Update, Supporting Menu Locations, Responsive Menu, Animation Effects, Multiple Menu Style/Themes, Mobile Menu
Stop the currently-running animation on the matched elements.
Solved Jquery conflict problem,
Now this plugin is compatible for any jquery based plugin like, LightBox,wp-cycle.
So, you can use both plugin without confliction.
Add arrow that indicate parent menu has childs,
Add exclude pages control
Add custom menu option
Add two option for menu animation etc
First build
Fixed some bugs with the code. Sorry, I accidentally left some test code in!