Archive for the ‘Newsletters’ Category

Spring Rate Extended!

Friday, June 12th, 2009

It’s true, we’ve extended our spring rate of $135 per night to June 25th. Normally our summer rate of $185 kicks in June 15th, but with the economy the way it is, we’re doing what we can to help travellers stretch their dollars and enjoy their stay that much more here on the beautiful, wild West Coast.

A family of Orcas graced us with their presence again on Sunday June 7th — looked like a family of a male, a female and two young “kids”. They came into the harbour around 10:30 that morning, romped around in front of our cabins, then slipped back out of the harbour an hour later. Locals with kayaks were quick to launch with hopes of paddling along side the Killer Whales, but they were too fast to catch up to.

Do come and visit us — we are Wildlife Central with dozens of bald eagles, comical sea lions, harbour seals and river otters all vying for your attention. We look forward to greeting you here at Anchors Inn!

Wild Pacific Trail documentary

Friday, June 5th, 2009

Anchors Inn co-owner, Lance Blackwell, recently completed a 25-minute documentary on Ucluelet’s Wild Pacific Trail and its founder, Oyster Jim Martin.  The public screening took place May 29th with over 120 locals in attendance, with rave reviews!

The film includes some of Lance’s amazing wildlife and storm footage, including our local Gray Whale spring migration and awesome aerials of our beautiful coastline.

Here is the link to view the movie — enjoy! And feel free to pass along the link to friends & family. It is a great ambassador for our town of Ucluelet and the rugged beauty that’s here to enjoy.

Spring has sprung!

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

It seemed like a long time coming, but finally the alders have blossomed and the tulips have bloomed! The whole property turns into a lush green forest between May and October, creating even more privacy between the cabins and the suite. But don’t worry, the view of the ocean won’t be blocked — we make sure each unit’s view is unhindered.

Lots of eagle action in the harbour lately! Whenever there’s a fishboat neaby, the eagles perch in our trees waiting for scraps. Often you can watch the eagles take turns trying to steal a fish out of the mouth of a sea lion, as he whips his head around on the surface of the water, an action they’ve developed to cut the fish into smaller pieces.

The long weekend in May is coming up soon, and we have one cabin left available — call soon before it’s taken! Most of our guests lately have been from other parts of the island, Victoria, Nanaimo, Comox; but a few from back east have commented how much nicer our temperate weather is here on the coast than the rest of Canada. We continue to welcome pets and their owners, with 100% of all pet fees we collect going directly to the Port Alberni SPCA.

Watch for the next announcement of our latest cabin improvement — upholstered nooks built for the kitchenette area of each cabin! They should be ready in a week or so, and new photos will be uploaded then.

Enjoy this beautiful weather!