Spring has sprung!
It seemed like a long time coming, but finally the alders have blossomed and the tulips have bloomed! The whole property turns into a lush green forest between May and October, creating even more privacy between the cabins and the suite. But don’t worry, the view of the ocean won’t be blocked — we make sure each unit’s view is unhindered.
Lots of eagle action in the harbour lately! Whenever there’s a fishboat neaby, the eagles perch in our trees waiting for scraps. Often you can watch the eagles take turns trying to steal a fish out of the mouth of a sea lion, as he whips his head around on the surface of the water, an action they’ve developed to cut the fish into smaller pieces.
The long weekend in May is coming up soon, and we have one cabin left available — call soon before it’s taken! Most of our guests lately have been from other parts of the island, Victoria, Nanaimo, Comox; but a few from back east have commented how much nicer our temperate weather is here on the coast than the rest of Canada. We continue to welcome pets and their owners, with 100% of all pet fees we collect going directly to the Port Alberni SPCA.
Watch for the next announcement of our latest cabin improvement — upholstered nooks built for the kitchenette area of each cabin! They should be ready in a week or so, and new photos will be uploaded then.
Enjoy this beautiful weather!